Flannel Shirt - The Evergreen Trend for Men and Women

Flannel shirts have been one of the most popular pieces of garment throughout history. It was popularized heavily by the grunge and garage bands during the 1990s and it has never since turned back. It continues to evolve and leave its previous associations with lumberjacks behind and has now comfortably made its place in the wardrobe of the contemporary gents. Come fall, and the ubiquitous flannel shirts are seen everywhere. And not just men, even women love this super comfy shirt that can be worn anywhere and with practically anything. wholesale flannel shirts Canada are the top choices of many. Comfort Redefined Flannel shirts are made for light woolen fabrics which are much softer when compared to any other fabric. It is also sometimes made from cotton or synthetic fabrics that make it perfect for summer wear as well. Flannel has this unique ability to staying cool during summer and warm during colder months which makes it a wardrobe staple throughout the year. The ...