The two prime reasons for purchasing flannel bedsheets

Hearing the word ‘’flannel’’, you might start thinking about the giant folk hero, Paul Bunyan, and the other rough and tough lumberjacks, or the Scottish highlanders might demand your attention since the material first originated in Scotland, but when it is to flannel, used in the bedsheets, they mostly comprise poly-cotton blend or are made using 100% cotton. The noted flannel clothing manufacturers today, are making them available in plaids, prints, and different solid colors. When you first start witnessing the change in weather, with fall and winters approaching, that is the time when you should start using these functional pieces. Why? Because of the following two prime reasons: Very cozy and soft Quite interestingly, flannel fabrics first came into existence in Europe in the 17 th C. At that time, carded wool or worsted yarn were used to make them. In the modern era, a lot has changed. Using various high-quality materials, the manufacturers construct the flannel sheets and ...